Empower Your Menopause
Menopause specialist nutritionist and health coaches Juli Madacey and James Ellis talk all things menopause, including how your lifestyle can empower your transition.
Empower Your Menopause
Episode 20: Mastering Mindset for Midlife: Reframing Menopause as a Time of Growth
Hello and welcome back to Empower Your Menopause, where we dig into everything that supports your health, wellness, and transformation during the menopause transition years, from peri through to post menopause.
Today, we’re focusing on something essential yet often overlooked—your mindset as you navigate midlife changes. Menopause doesn’t have to be all about what you’re losing or leaving behind; it can also be a powerful time of growth and self-discovery.
We’ll walk you through practical ways to embrace midlife as an opportunity to shift your perspective and grow, rather than just survive. So, let’s dive in and explore how we can make menopause a period of thriving, not just coping!
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