Empower Your Menopause

Episode 18: Rest & Recovery in Menopause: Why Downtime Is Your Secret Weapons

Fabulous Beyond 40

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Hello and welcome back to Empower Your Menopause! It’s coaches James and Juli here and today, we’re talking about something that can feel like a luxury but is actually a necessity: rest and recovery. Whether you’re experiencing sleepless nights, feeling wired but tired, or just wondering why rest feels harder than ever during menopause, this episode is for you.

We’ll explore why rest is about so much more than just sleep. It’s also about promoting something we call "deep health", where every part of you—body, mind, and soul—thrives. By understanding how rest and recovery impact all aspects of life, we can start taking small, realistic steps to bring that balance and vitality back into our daily routines.

November Offer – 40 Free Coaching Sessions:  

If you’re struggling with your R&R routine, or any other aspect of your health, hormones and happiness, we have a special offer for you.

In November we are giving away 40 free coaching sessions! 

If you’re struggling with rest, recovery, or any other menopause symptom, this is the perfect chance to get personalized support and strategies that work for your life. 

Spots will fill up fast, so head to freecall.fabulousbeyond40.com to book in